Abraxas Energy Consulting provides Canada weather stations and weather data in a format that readily imports into Metrix. Below is a list of stations we provide. To purchase weather data, call us at (805) 547-2050, or email us at sales@abraxasenergy.com
Weather Stations in Canada | |||
AB | XAF | ABEEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XAG | ANDREWAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XAJ | ATMOREAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WZG | BANFF, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | XBW | BARNWELLAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XBD | BARRHEADCS | 2006 to Present |
AB | WBM | BEAVERLODGERCS | 2006 to Present |
AB | PBT | BLOODTRIBEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XBA | BODOAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WXL | BOWISLAND | 2006 to Present |
AB | WXA | BOWVALLEY | 2006 to Present |
AB | WOV | BRETONPLOTS | 2006 to Present |
AB | XBR | BROCKETAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WBO | BROOKS | 2006 to Present |
AB | YYC | CALGARY INTE, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | WRV | CAMROSE | 2006 to Present |
AB | WFJ | CARDSTON | 2006 to Present |
AB | XCP | CHAMPIONAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WDK | CLARESHOLM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XCD | CLEARDALEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YOD | COLDLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
AB | XCS | CONSORTAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WDU | COPUPPER | 2006 to Present |
AB | WCT | CORONATIO, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | WRT | CROWSNEST | 2006 to Present |
AB | XDP | DAPPAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XDB | DELBONITAAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WDZ | DRUMHELLEREAST | 2006 to Present |
AB | YEG | EDMON, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | XEC | EDMONTONMUNICIPALCR10 | 2006 to Present |
AB | YED | EDMONTONNAMAOAWOSA | 2006 to Present |
AB | YET | EDSON, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | ZZJ | EDSONCR10 | 2006 to Present |
AB | WFE | ELKISLANDNATPARK | 2006 to Present |
AB | PEH | ENCHANTAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WGY | ESTHER1 | 2006 to Present |
AB | XFR | FAIRVIEWAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | PFI | FINCASTLEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XFM | FOREMOSTAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YPY | FORTCHIPEWYANA | 2006 to Present |
AB | YMM | FORTMCMURRAYA | 2006 to Present |
AB | XMM | FORTMCMURRAYCS | 2006 to Present |
AB | XFV | FORTVERMILLION | 2006 to Present |
AB | WGF | GARDENRIVER | 2006 to Present |
AB | YQU | GRANDE PARAIRIE, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | WPA | HENDRICKSONCREEK | 2006 to Present |
AB | YOJ | HIGH LEVEL, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | XHP | HIGHPRAIRIEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XHD | HOLDENAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XHR | HUSSARAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WJW | JASPERWARDEN | 2006 to Present |
AB | XKM | KILLAMAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WLB | LACLABICHECLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
AB | WQQ | LACOMBECDA2 | 2006 to Present |
AB | NLD | LEEDALEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YQL | LETHBRID, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | WQL | LETHBRIDGECDA | 2006 to Present |
AB | NLB | LINDBERGHAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XMG | MANNINGAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XMN | MASINASINAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YXH | MEDICINE HAT, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | XMW | MEDICINEHATRCS | 2006 to Present |
AB | WMX | MILDREDLAKE | 2006 to Present |
AB | WRY | MILKRIVER | 2006 to Present |
AB | XMO | MORRINAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | ZMU | MUNDAREAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WNR | NAKISKARIDGETOP | 2006 to Present |
AB | NNR | NEIRAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XND | NORDEGGCS | 2006 to Present |
AB | XOL | OLDSAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | ZOL | OLIVERAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WOE | ONEFOURCDA | 2006 to Present |
AB | XOY | OYENAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YPE | PEACE RIVE, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | XPA | PEORIAAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | ZPC | PINCHER CREEK, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | XPL | POLLOCKVILLEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XPV | PRAIRIERIVER | 2006 to Present |
AB | ZPS | PRENTISSALBERTA | 2006 to Present |
AB | PRY | RAYMONDAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YQF | RED DEER, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | WRD | REDEARTH | 2006 to Present |
AB | XRL | RICHLAKEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WRM | ROCKY MT., AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | PRO | ROSEMARYAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XSC | SCHULERAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | PSV | SEVENPERSONSAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YZH | SLAVELAKEA | 2006 to Present |
AB | XSL | SMOKYLAKEAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | YBW | SPRINGBANKA | 2006 to Present |
AB | XSP | ST.PAULAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WXN | STAVELYAAFC | 2006 to Present |
AB | XAK | STETTLERAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | PST | STRATHMOREAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WAV | SUNDREA | 2006 to Present |
AB | WHI | THREEHILLS | 2006 to Present |
AB | NTK | TOMAHAWKAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XTH | TWOHILLSAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | XVW | VALLEYVIEWAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | WVO | VAUXHALLCDACS | 2006 to Present |
AB | XVM | VERMILIONAGDM | 2006 to Present |
AB | ZWN | WAINWRIGHTCFBAIRFIELD21 | 2006 to Present |
AB | XZU | WHITECOURT | 2006 to Present |
AB | YZU | WHITECOURT, AB | 1996 to Present |
AB | WWO | WILLOWCREEK1 | 2006 to Present |
AB | XWM | WRENTHAMAGDM | 2006 to Present |
BC | YXX | ABBOTSFORDA | 2006 to Present |
BC | WZA | AGASSIZCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WGB | BALLENASISLAND | 2006 to Present |
BC | WSV | BLUERIVERCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WWL | BONILLAISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | VOD | CALLAGHANVALLEY | 2006 to Present |
BC | WME | CATHEDRALPOINT(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | WCL | CLINTON(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | YQQ | COMOXA | 2006 to Present |
BC | YXC | CRANBROOK, BC | 1996 to Present |
BC | WZL | CUMSHEWAISLAND | 2006 to Present |
BC | VOE | CYPRESSBOWLNORTH | 2006 to Present |
BC | VOG | CYPRESSBOWLSOUTH | 2006 to Present |
BC | YDQ | DAWSON CREEK, BC | Up to 2005 |
BC | YDA | DAWSON, YK | Up to 2005 |
BC | WKX | DEASELAKE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | WEL | ENTRANCEISLANDCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | XFA | FANNYISLAND | 2006 to Present |
BC | YXJ | FORT ST JOHN, BC | 1996 to Present |
BC | YYE | FORTNELSONA | 2006 to Present |
BC | WEK | GREYISLET(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | WHL | HOLLANDROCK | 2006 to Present |
BC | YHE | HOPE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | WAS | HOWESOUND-PAMROCKS | 2006 to Present |
BC | YKA | KAMLO, BC | 1996 to Present |
BC | YLW | KELOWNAAWOS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WQS | KINDAKUNROCKS(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | WLA | LANGARA | 2006 to Present |
BC | WJU | LANGARAISLANDCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WLY | LYTTON | 2006 to Present |
BC | YZY | MACKENZIEA | 2006 to Present |
BC | WKH | MALAHAT | 2006 to Present |
BC | WMS | MCINNESISLAND | 2006 to Present |
BC | WNP | NAKUSPCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WNM | NELSONCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WYY | OSOYOOSCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WGP | PEMBERTONAIRPORTCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | YYF | PENTICTONA | 2006 to Present |
BC | WMM | PITTMEADOWSCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WQC | PORTALBERNI(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | YZT | PORTHARDYA | 2006 to Present |
BC | YXS | PRINCE GE, BC | 1996 to Present |
BC | YPR | PRINCERUPERTAWOS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WPR | PRINCETONCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WPU | PUNTZIMOUNTAIN(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | YQZ | QUESNELA | 2006 to Present |
BC | YRV | REVELSTO, BC | 1996 to Present |
BC | WSL | SALMONARMCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WVF | SANDHEADSCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | YZP | SANDSPITAWOS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WFG | SARTINEISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | WEZ | SATURNAISLANDCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WSP | SHERINGHAMPOINT | 2006 to Present |
BC | WGT | SISTERSISLAND | 2006 to Present |
BC | YYD | SMITHERSA | 2006 to Present |
BC | WRU | SOLANDERISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
BC | WGW | SPARWOODCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WSK | SQUAMISH | 2006 to Present |
BC | WUS | SUMMERLANDCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | XTL | TATLAYOKOLAKERCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | YXT | TERRACEA | 2006 to Present |
BC | YVR | VANCO, BC | 1996 to Present |
BC | YHC | VANCOUV, BC | Up to 2005 |
BC | WHC | VANCOUVERHARBOURCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WJV | VERNONCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | YYJ | VICTORIA, BC | 1996 to Present |
BC | WLM | VICTORIAGONZALESCS | 2006 to Present |
BC | WFV | VIRGINIA FAL, NT | Up to 2005 |
BC | WWA | WESTVANCOUVERAUT | 2006 to Present |
BC | YWL | WILLIAMSLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
BC | WYL | YOHOPARK | 2006 to Present |
CN | YGW | KUUJJUARA, PQ | 1996 to Present |
CN | YIO | POND INLET, NT | 1996 to Present |
MB | WCF | BERENSRIVERCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | YBR | BRANDON, MB | 1996 to Present |
MB | WZE | CARBERRYCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | WNK | CARMANUOFMCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | YYQ | CHURCH, MB | 1996 to Present |
MB | PYQ | CHURCHILLCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
MB | YDN | DAUPHIN, MB | 1996 to Present |
MB | WZT | DAUPHINCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | XDW | DEERWOODRCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | ZUG | DELTAMARSHCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | WEX | EMERSONAUT | 2006 to Present |
MB | WSZ | FISHERBRANCH(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
MB | WWS | GEORGEISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
MB | YGX | GILLAMA | 2006 to Present |
MB | WGM | GIMLI INDUSTRIAL, MB | 1996 to Present |
MB | XGH | GIMLIHARBOURCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | YGM | GIMLIINDUSTRIALPARK | 2006 to Present |
MB | WJD | GRANDRAPIDS(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
MB | PGF | GREATFALLSCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
MB | YIV | ISLANDLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
MB | ZKD | KELSEYDAMCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | YYL | LYNNLAKE | 2006 to Present |
MB | WEI | MELITA, MB | 1996 to Present |
MB | XMD | MORDENCDACS | 2006 to Present |
MB | YNE | NORWAYHOUSE | 2006 to Present |
MB | WOJ | OAKPOINTMARINE | 2006 to Present |
MB | WEA | PINAWA | 2006 to Present |
MB | YPG | PORTAGE L, MB | Up to 2005 |
MB | WPG | PORTAGESOUTHPORT | 2006 to Present |
MB | WXB | ROBLIN | 2006 to Present |
MB | WUT | SHOALLAKECS | 2006 to Present |
MB | WSU | SPRAGUE | 2006 to Present |
MB | WEQ | SWANRIVER(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
MB | XBQ | TADOULELAKECS | 2006 to Present |
MB | YQD | THE PAS, MB | 1996 to Present |
MB | PQD | THEPASCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
MB | YTH | THOMPSONA | 2006 to Present |
MB | WII | VICTORIABEACH(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
MB | WWP | WASAGAMING | 2006 to Present |
MB | WOO | WILSONCREEKWEIRCS | 2006 to Present |
MB | YWG | WINNIPEG, MB | 1996 to Present |
MB | XWG | WINNIPEG’A’CS | 2006 to Present |
MB | XWN | WINNIPEGTHEFORKS | 2006 to Present |
NB | WXS | BASCARAQUET | 2006 to Present |
NB | ZBF | BATHURSTA | 2006 to Present |
NB | ABT | BUCTOUCHECDACS | 2006 to Present |
NB | ZCR | CHARLOAUTO | 2006 to Present |
NB | ERM | EDMUNDSTON | 2006 to Present |
NB | YFC | FREDERI, NB | 1996 to Present |
NB | AFC | FREDERICTONCDACS | 2006 to Present |
NB | AFY | FUNDYPARK(ALMA)CS | 2006 to Present |
NB | YCX | GAGETOWNAWOSA | 2006 to Present |
NB | XGM | GRANDMANANSARCS | 2006 to Present |
NB | AKC | KOUCHIBOUGUACCS | 2006 to Present |
NB | ACQ | MIRAMICHIRCS | 2006 to Present |
NB | WMI | MISCOUISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NB | YQM | MONCTONA | 2006 to Present |
NB | WPE | POINTLEPREAUCS | 2006 to Present |
NB | YSJ | ST JOHN, NB | 1996 to Present |
NB | YSL | STLEONARDA | 2006 to Present |
NB | WIY | STLEONARDCS | 2006 to Present |
NB | WSS | STSTEPHEN(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NF | YYR | GOOSE BAY, NF | 1996 to Present |
NF | YYT | ST JOH, NF | 1996 to Present |
NL | WAR | ARGENTIA(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NL | WDI | BADGER(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NL | WYK | CAPEKIGLAPAIT | 2006 to Present |
NL | WRA | CAPERACE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NL | WCA | CARTWRIGHT | 2006 to Present |
NL | ZUM | CHURCHILLFALLS | 2006 to Present |
NL | WDH | DANIELSHARBOUR | 2006 to Present |
NL | YDF | DEERLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
NL | WDA | ENGLEE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NL | WXI | FEROLLEPOINT(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NL | XGD | GANDERAIRPORTCS | 2006 to Present |
NL | YQX | GANDERINT’LA | 2006 to Present |
NL | WVW | GRATESCOVE | 2006 to Present |
NL | WHO | HOPEDALE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NL | WAG | LASCIE | 2006 to Present |
NL | WTM | MARTICOTISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NL | YMH | MARY’SHARBOUR | 2006 to Present |
NL | WFP | NAIN | 2006 to Present |
NL | YDP | NAINA | 2006 to Present |
NL | WZB | PORTAUXBASQUES | 2006 to Present |
NL | XRH | ROCKYHARBOURCS | 2006 to Present |
NL | WZZ | SAGLEK | 2006 to Present |
NL | WZN | SAGONAISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NL | YAY | ST.ANTHONYLWIS | 2006 to Present |
NL | WDW | STANTHONY | 2006 to Present |
NL | YAY | STANTHONYA | 2006 to Present |
NL | YJT | STEPHENVILLEA | 2006 to Present |
NL | XTP | TERRANOVANATPARKCS | 2006 to Present |
NL | WTU | TUKIALIKBAY | 2006 to Present |
NL | WDO | TWILLINGATE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NL | YWK | WABUSHLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
NL | XWT | WINTERLAND | 2006 to Present |
NS | WBV | BEAVERISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NS | WVU | BRIERISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NS | WBK | CARIBOUPOINT(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NS | ZDB | DEBERT | 2006 to Present |
NS | YZX | GREENWOODA | 2006 to Present |
NS | YHZ | HALIFAXINT’LA | 2006 to Present |
NS | WRN | HARTISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NS | XIB | INGONISHBEACHCS | 2006 to Present |
NS | WKG | KEJIMKUJIK1 | 2006 to Present |
NS | XKT | KENTVILLECDACS | 2006 to Present |
NS | XNP | NAPPANAUTO | 2006 to Present |
NS | APR | PARRSBORO | 2006 to Present |
NS | WSA | SABLEISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NS | WAW | SHEARWATERAUTO | 2006 to Present |
NS | WEF | STPAULISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NS | YQY | SYDNEYA | 2006 to Present |
NS | XTD | TRACADIE | 2006 to Present |
NS | WWE | WESTERNHEAD | 2006 to Present |
NS | YQI | YARMOUTHA | 2006 to Present |
NT | YBK | BAKER LAKE, NT | 1996 to Present |
NT | ZCP | CAPEPARRYA | 2006 to Present |
NT | WFX | COLVILLELAKE | 2006 to Present |
NT | YZS | CORAL HAR, NT | 1996 to Present |
NT | XDK | DEADMENVALLEY | 2006 to Present |
NT | XDE | DELINECS | 2006 to Present |
NT | WEU | EUREKA, NT | 1996 to Present |
NT | ZGH | FORTGOODHOPECS | 2006 to Present |
NT | WJL | FORTLIARD | 2006 to Present |
NT | WID | FORTPROVIDENCE | 2006 to Present |
NT | WFZ | FORTRELIANCE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NT | YFS | FORTSIMPSONA | 2006 to Present |
NT | ZFS | FORTSIMPSONCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NT | YSM | FORTSMITHA | 2006 to Present |
NT | ZSM | FORTSMITHCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NT | WQY | HANBURYRIVER | 2006 to Present |
NT | YHY | HAY RIVER, NT | 1996 to Present |
NT | ZHY | HAYRIVERCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NT | XHI | HOLMANCS | 2006 to Present |
NT | WBJ | INNERWHALEBACKS | 2006 to Present |
NT | YEV | INUVIK, NT | 1996 to Present |
NT | ZEV | INUVIKCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NT | WMT | LACLAMARTRE | 2006 to Present |
NT | XLL | LINDBURGLANDING | 2006 to Present |
NT | WLG | LITTLECHICAGO | 2006 to Present |
NT | YUV | LONGSTAFF, NT | Up to 2005 |
NT | XLC | LOWERCARPLAKE | 2006 to Present |
NT | XLU | LUTSELK’ECS | 2006 to Present |
NT | WNV | MACMILLANPASS | 2006 to Present |
NT | WAY | MOULDBAYCS | 2006 to Present |
NT | YVQ | NORMANWELLSA | 2006 to Present |
NT | NVQ | NORMANWELLSCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NT | ZPK | PAULATUK | 2006 to Present |
NT | WND | PELLYISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NT | WQF | RABBITKETTLE | 2006 to Present |
NT | WYH | RAELAKES | 2006 to Present |
NT | WSY | SACHSHARBOURCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NT | WYF | THOMSENRIVER | 2006 to Present |
NT | XTV | TRAILVALLEY | 2006 to Present |
NT | WTE | TROUTLAKE | 2006 to Present |
NT | ZUB | TUKTOYAKTUK | 2006 to Present |
NT | XTN | TUKTUTNOGAIT | 2006 to Present |
NT | YZF | YELLOWKINFE, NT | 1996 to Present |
NT | XYH | YOHIN | 2006 to Present |
NU | ZLT | ALERTCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | YEK | ARVIATA | 2006 to Present |
NU | XAR | ARVIATCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | XBL | BAKERLAKECLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | WOB | BREVOORTISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NU | YCB | CAMBRIDGEBAYA | 2006 to Present |
NU | XCM | CAMBRIDGEBAYGSN | 2006 to Present |
NU | WRF | CAMFOUR | 2006 to Present |
NU | YTE | CAPEDORSETA | 2006 to Present |
NU | NCD | CAPEDORSETCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | WUP | CAPEHOOPER | 2006 to Present |
NU | WYM | CAPEMERCY | 2006 to Present |
NU | YCY | CLYDEA | 2006 to Present |
NU | WXR | CROKERRIVER | 2006 to Present |
NU | WUW | DEWARLAKES | 2006 to Present |
NU | WJC | ENNADAILAKE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NU | WVD | FOXFIVE | 2006 to Present |
NU | ZHK | GJOAHAVENCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | YUX | HALLBEACHA | 2006 to Present |
NU | XUX | HALLBEACHCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | WIL | HATISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NU | YFB | IQALUITA | 2006 to Present |
NU | WIC | ISACHSEN(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NU | NBB | KUGAARUKCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | YCO | KUGLUKTUKA | 2006 to Present |
NU | NCO | KUGLUKTUKCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | WLX | LONGSTAFFBLUFF | 2006 to Present |
NU | WIJ | LUPINCS | 2006 to Present |
NU | WXP | PANGNIRTUNG | 2006 to Present |
NU | YVM | QIKIQTARJUAQA | 2006 to Present |
NU | ZVM | QIKIQTARJUAQCLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
NU | YRT | RANKININLETA | 2006 to Present |
NU | ZRP | REAPOINT | 2006 to Present |
NU | YRB | RESOLUTECARS | 2006 to Present |
NU | XRB | RESOLUTECS | 2006 to Present |
NU | WRH | RESOLUTIONISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NU | WTD | ROBERTSONLAKE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
NU | WRX | ROWLEYISLAND | 2006 to Present |
NU | YUS | SHEPHERDBAYA | 2006 to Present |
NU | YYH | TALOYOAKA | 2006 to Present |
NU | XWB | WAGERBAY(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | TAE | ALFRED | 2006 to Present |
ON | WYW | ARMSTRONG(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | WCH | ATIKOKAN(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | WRK | BANCROFTAUTO | 2006 to Present |
ON | XBI | BARRIE-ORO | 2006 to Present |
ON | TBT | BEATRICECLIMATE | 2006 to Present |
ON | WPB | BEAUSOLEIL | 2006 to Present |
ON | YTL | BIGTROUTLAKEREADAC | 2006 to Present |
ON | YBN | BORDENAWOS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WWB | BURLINGTONPIERS(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | XCA | CAMERONFALLS(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YLD | CHAPLEAUA | 2006 to Present |
ON | WNC | COBOURG(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | WCO | COLLINGWOOD | 2006 to Present |
ON | TCW | CORNWALL | 2006 to Present |
ON | XCY | CYPRUSLAKECS | 2006 to Present |
ON | XDI | DELHICS | 2006 to Present |
ON | YHD | DRYDEN’A'(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | XEA | EARFALLS(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YXR | EARLTON, ON | 1996 to Present |
ON | XET | EGBERTCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | YEL | ELLIOTLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
ON | ZEL | ELORARCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WAJ | ERIEAU(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YGQ | GERALDTONA | 2006 to Present |
ON | WGD | GODERICH | 2006 to Present |
ON | YZE | GOREBAYAWOS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WGH | GRENADIERISLAND | 2006 to Present |
ON | YHM | HAMILTON, ON | 1996 to Present |
ON | XHM | HAMILTONRBGCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | XHA | HARROWCDAAUTO | 2006 to Present |
ON | YYU | KAPUSKASINGA | 2006 to Present |
ON | XKA | KAPUSKASINGCDAON | 2006 to Present |
ON | WKK | KATATOTAISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | XKE | KEMPTVILLECS | 2006 to Present |
ON | YQK | KENORAA | 2006 to Present |
ON | WBE | KILLARNEY(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | XKI | KIRKLANDLAKECS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WGL | LAGOONCITY | 2006 to Present |
ON | WLF | LANSDOWNEHOUSE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YXU | LONDON, ON | Up to 2005 |
ON | WSN | LONDONCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WPS | LONGPOINT(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | TCK | MOOSECREEK | 2006 to Present |
ON | YMO | MOOSONEE, ON | 1996 to Present |
ON | XZC | MOOSONEERCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WLS | MOUNTFOREST(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YQA | MUSKOKAAWOS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WNZ | NAGAGAMI(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YYB | NORTH B, ON | 1996 to Present |
ON | YOW | OTTAWA, ON | 1996 to Present |
ON | XOA | OTTAWACDARCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | XPC | PARRYSOUNDCCG | 2006 to Present |
ON | WWN | PEAWANUCK(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YWA | PETAWAWAA | 2006 to Present |
ON | YPQ | PETERBOROUGHAWOS | 2006 to Present |
ON | TPQ | PETERBOROUGHTRENTU | 2006 to Present |
ON | YPL | PICKLELAKEA | 2006 to Present |
ON | XPT | POINTPELEECS | 2006 to Present |
ON | WQP | POINTPETRE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | WCJ | PUKASKWA(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YRL | REDLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
ON | XRG | RIDGETOWNRCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | YZR | SARNIA, ON | 1996 to Present |
ON | YAM | SAULTSTEMARIEA | 2006 to Present |
ON | YXL | SIOUXLOOKOUTA | 2006 to Present |
ON | WNB | SOUTHEASTSHOAL(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | YSB | SUDBURYA | 2006 to Present |
ON | YQT | THUNDER BAY, ON | Up to 2005 |
ON | ZQT | THUNDERBAYAWOS | 2006 to Present |
ON | ZTB | THUNDERBAYCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | YTS | TIMMINSA | 2006 to Present |
ON | YYZ | TORONT, ON | 1996 to Present |
ON | YYZX | TORONTO (D, ON | Up to 2005 |
ON | YKZ | TORONTOBUTTONVILLEA | 2006 to Present |
ON | XTO | TORONTOCITY | 2006 to Present |
ON | YTZ | TORONTOISLANDA | 2006 to Present |
ON | YTR | TRENTONA | 2006 to Present |
ON | WDV | UPSALA(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | XVN | VINELANDSTATIONRCS | 2006 to Present |
ON | YKF | WATERLOO-WELLINGTONA | 2006 to Present |
ON | YXZ | WAWAA | 2006 to Present |
ON | WEC | WELCOMEISLAND(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
ON | TWL | WELLAND-PELHAM | 2006 to Present |
ON | YVV | WIARTONA | 2006 to Present |
ON | TWN | WINCHESTER | 2006 to Present |
ON | YQG | WINDSORA | 2006 to Present |
PE | YYG | CHARLO, PE | 1996 to Present |
PE | WEP | EASTPOINT(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
PE | AHR | HARRINGTONCDACS | 2006 to Present |
PE | WNE | NORTHPOINT | 2006 to Present |
PE | ZSP | ST.PETERS | 2006 to Present |
PE | WSD | SUMMERSIDE | 2006 to Present |
PQ | YUL | MONTREA, PQ | 1996 to Present |
PQ | YQB | QUEBEC, PQ | Up to 2005 |
QC | WZS | AMQUI | 2006 to Present |
QC | YBG | BAGOTVILLEA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WFW | BAIE-COMEAU | 2006 to Present |
QC | YBC | BAIE-COMEAUA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WRC | BARRAGEANGLIERS | 2006 to Present |
QC | WHV | BEAUCEVILLE | 2006 to Present |
QC | XBO | BEAUPORT | 2006 to Present |
QC | YBX | BLANC-SABLONA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WKD | BONNARD1 | 2006 to Present |
QC | WSG | CAP-CHAT | 2006 to Present |
QC | WRZ | CAP-D’ESPOIR | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQW | CAPEWHITTLE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WSF | CAP-MADELEINE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQM | CAP-ROUGE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WTN | CAP-TOURMENTE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WEE | CHAMOUCHOUANE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WUK | CHAPAIS | 2006 to Present |
QC | WIS | CHARLEVOIX(MRC) | 2006 to Present |
QC | WDM | CHEVERY | 2006 to Present |
QC | YMT | CHIBOUGAMAUCHAPAISA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WDT | CHUTE-DES-PASSES | 2006 to Present |
QC | WHQ | DESCHAMBAULT | 2006 to Present |
QC | MFM | FORETMONTMORENCYRCS | 2006 to Present |
QC | WFQ | FRELIGHSBURG | 2006 to Present |
QC | YGP | GASPEA | 2006 to Present |
QC | YGV | HAVRE-SAINT-PIERREA | 2006 to Present |
QC | XHF | HIGHFALLS | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQR | ILEAUXPERROQUETS | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQO | ILEBICQUETTE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WAF | ILEROUGE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WGR | ILESDELAMADELEINE | 2006 to Present |
QC | YGR | ILESDELAMADELEINEA | 2006 to Present |
QC | YPH | INUKJUAKA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WJO | JONQUIERE | 2006 to Present |
QC | YVP | KUUJJUAQA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WUX | LABAIE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WIZ | L’ACADIE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WDE | LACBENOIT | 2006 to Present |
QC | WEO | LACEON | 2006 to Present |
QC | WBS | LACSAINT-PIERRE | 2006 to Present |
QC | YAH | LAGRANDEIV | 2006 to Present |
QC | WEW | L’ASSOMPTION | 2006 to Present |
QC | XLT | LATERRIERE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WDQ | LATUQUE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WVY | LEMIEUX | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQH | LENNOXVILLE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WPD | L’ETAPE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WBT | LONGUE-POINTE-DE-MINGAN | 2006 to Present |
QC | WMJ | MANIWAKIAIRPORT | 2006 to Present |
QC | WDP | MANOUANEEST | 2006 to Present |
QC | YNM | MATAGAMIA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WTA | MCTAVISH | 2006 to Present |
QC | WIX | MISTOOK | 2006 to Present |
QC | YYY | MONT-JOLIA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WHY | MONT-ORFORD | 2006 to Present |
QC | YHU | MONTREAL/ST-HUBERTA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WPQ | MONTREAL-EST | 2006 to Present |
QC | YNA | NATASHQUANA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WOC | NEWCARLISLE1 | 2006 to Present |
QC | WNQ | NICOLET | 2006 to Present |
QC | WOD | NORMANDIN | 2006 to Present |
QC | WXC | ONATCHIWAY | 2006 to Present |
QC | WPK | PARENT | 2006 to Present |
QC | WYQ | POINTE-AU-PERE(INRS) | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQV | POINTECLAVEAU | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQD | POINTEDEL’ISLET | 2006 to Present |
QC | WTG | POINTE-DES-MONTS | 2006 to Present |
QC | WIP | POINTENOIRECS | 2006 to Present |
QC | WBY | PORT-MENIER | 2006 to Present |
QC | WQB | QUEBEC/JEANLESAGEINTL | 2006 to Present |
QC | WNH | RIVIERE-DU-LOUP | 2006 to Present |
QC | YRJ | ROBERVALA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WUY | ROUYN | 2006 to Present |
QC | MPL | SAINT-POLYCARPE | 2006 to Present |
QC | YKL | SCHEFFERVILLEA | 2006 to Present |
QC | XZV | SEPT-ILES | 2006 to Present |
QC | XSH | SHAWINIGAN | 2006 to Present |
QC | YSC | SHERBROOKEA | 2006 to Present |
QC | WBZ | ST-ANICET1 | 2006 to Present |
QC | WIT | STE-CLOTHILDE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WJB | STE-FOY(U.LAVAL) | 2006 to Present |
QC | WJT | ST-JOVITE | 2006 to Present |
QC | WTY | TROIS-RIVIERES | 2006 to Present |
QC | WHM | VARENNES | 2006 to Present |
QE | YGL | LA GRANDE, QE | 1996 to Present |
QE | YVO | VAL D’OR, PQ | 1996 to Present |
SK | WJI | ASSINIBOI, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WIK | BROADVIEW, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WVT | BUFFALONARROWS(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
SK | WWC | COLLINSBAY | 2006 to Present |
SK | WAQ | CORONACHSPC | 2006 to Present |
SK | WVP | CYPRESSHILLSPARK | 2006 to Present |
SK | WEH | EASTEND C, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WOK | ELBOW, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | YEN | ESTEVAN, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | YHB | HUDSON, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WBD | INDIANHEADCDA | 2006 to Present |
SK | PIF | ISLANDFALLS(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
SK | WHN | JIMMYLAKEAWOS | 2006 to Present |
SK | YKJ | KEYLAKEA | 2006 to Present |
SK | YKY | KINDERSLEY, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | YVC | LARONGEA | 2006 to Present |
SK | XOX | LARONGERCS | 2006 to Present |
SK | WXG | LASTMOUNTAINCS | 2006 to Present |
SK | WJX | LEADERAIRPORT | 2006 to Present |
SK | YLL | LLOYDMINST, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WLE | LUCKYLAKE | 2006 to Present |
SK | WMQ | MAPLECREEK | 2006 to Present |
SK | YLJ | MEADOW LAK, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WFF | MELFORT | 2006 to Present |
SK | XML | MELFORT, SK | Up to 2005 |
SK | YMJ | MOOSE JAW, SK | Up to 2005 |
SK | ZMJ | MOOSEJAWCS | 2006 to Present |
SK | WBU | NIPAWIN | 2006 to Present |
SK | YBU | NIPAWIN, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | YQW | NORTH BATT, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | PQW | NORTHBATTLEFORDRCS | 2006 to Present |
SK | WYE | OUTLOOKPFRA | 2006 to Present |
SK | YPA | PRINCE AL, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | YQR | REGINA, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WDJ | REGINARCS | 2006 to Present |
SK | WKO | ROCKGLEN, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WRJ | ROSETOWNEAST | 2006 to Present |
SK | YXE | SASKAT, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WTS | SCOTTCDA | 2006 to Present |
SK | WJH | SOUTHEND | 2006 to Present |
SK | YSF | STONYRAPIDSA | 2006 to Present |
SK | YYN | SWIFT CURRENT, SK | 1996 to Present |
SK | WVC | SWIFTCURRENTCDA | 2006 to Present |
SK | WDC | URANIUMCITY(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
SK | WVN | VALMARIESOUTHEAST | 2006 to Present |
SK | WLV | WASKESIULAKE | 2006 to Present |
SK | WIW | WATROUSEAST | 2006 to Present |
SK | WWF | WEYBURN | 2006 to Present |
SK | WOY | WYNYARD(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
SK | WYO | WYNYARD, SK | Up to 2005 |
SK | YQV | YORKTON, SK | 1996 to Present |
YK | YQH | WATSON, YK | Up to 2005 |
YT | XCK | CARMACKSCS | 2006 to Present |
YT | WON | DAWSON | 2006 to Present |
YT | WUM | FARO(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
YT | WHT | HAINESJUNCTION | 2006 to Present |
YT | WJN | HERSCHELISLAND | 2006 to Present |
YT | WOI | IVVAVIKNAT.PARK | 2006 to Present |
YT | WKM | KOMAKUKBEACH | 2006 to Present |
YT | WRR | ROCKRIVER | 2006 to Present |
YT | YUA | SHINGLEPOINTA | 2006 to Present |
YT | WZW | TESLIN(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
YT | XQH | WATSONLAKE(AUT) | 2006 to Present |
YT | YXY | WHITEHORSE, YK | 1996 to Present |