Project Overview
Our client is Clayton Valley Charter High School, a 182,370 sq. ft. campus located in Concord, California. While the California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop. 39) is a well-conceived means to provide schools funding for energy efficiency improvements, the process can be confusing. Abraxas conducted an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audit and filed the necessary paperwork to the California Energy Commission for funding. Abraxas is providing the ongoing support necessary to ensure Prop. 39 funds are spent on projects that matter most to the client.
The Problem
A solar photovoltaic system already exists on-site, and this system offsets such a significant amount of electricity that Clayton Valley typically pays only $300 annually in electricity bills.
The Solution
We began the audit process by gathering utility data, benchmarking the facility, and prioritizing project considerations. Energy efficiency measures identified included strip curtains for the refrigeration units, more efficient lighting, lighting controls, fan motor replacement and controls, HVAC controls, network thermostat installation, low flush urinal conversions, and boiler to electric tank heaters.
The measures were then analyzed for their cost-effectiveness and their ability to satisfy Prop. 39 criteria.
The Result
After implementation, the measures will save Clayton Valley Charter High School 69% of their annual energy usage and 23% of their annual cost.
The recommended measures specifically for electricity consumption will save Clayton Valley $19,144 every year. Given the current cost of $313 per year, Clayton Valley will have the opportunity to sell $18,831 back to the grid. Their school will achieve near Net Zero energy use.