Feature Tour

The Standard in Weather Correction


  • Adheres to ASHRAE 14, IPMVP
  • Automatic Regression
  • Advanced Statistical Measures


An Easy to Use Interface


There are now TWO ways to find your meters, areas, rates, etc…
Tree View (left) or Sortable List (right)


Copy and paste directly to or from Excel!



Simple Import and Export


You can import and export…

  • Bill Data
  • Weather Data
  • Widget Production
  • # School Days
  • # Students
  • Fuel Adjustments
  • Baseline Modifications
  • Measures


Tune Your Usage with Up to FIVE Variables


Tune your usage to …

  • Production,
  • School Calendar,
  • Occupancy,


Group Your Reports


In larger Metrix projects, you might want to make a report that breaks out your meters into other groupings than just Sites or Areas. For example, suppose you have a Metrix project for a school district want to make a report that just shows Elementary Schools. It is likely that you have a different site for each school, so there is no easy way to make a report just for Elementary Schools. Or suppose you want to compare $/SQFT of Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools and Administration areas. Metrix allows this with Grouping. Every …

  • Site,
  • Area,
  • Meter

… can be assigned to a Group!


Error Checking Made Easy with Metrix QC Quality Control System


  • Finds Your Errors
  • Checks for Errors Upon Opening
  • Makes Errors Easy to Fix!


Metrix Can Memorize Your Reports!

Do you want a quick way of running the same report over and over? Do you have a
hard time remembering how you got a certain report? If so, then memorized
reports will be useful to you. With memorized reports you can run a report,
memorize it, and then run it again from the Fast Reports section.


Set Targets and Compare Current Usage to Target


Track and prove your effectiveness as an energy manager!


Baseline Adjustments


How do you track savings if the facility is changing SQFT, or Usage Patterns?
Metrix will adjust your baseline for these changes!


With Metrix, You Have Several Options to Apply Costs to Usage


  • You Can Use Blended Rates
  • You Can Model Your Rates Explicitly
  • You Can Even Attach Different Rates to Different Scenarios


A Simple Excel-Based Reporting Engine


  • Easy to Modify Reports
  • Create Your Own Reports
  • You Have Full Control of Presentation of Data


Emissions, Variables and Ratio Reporting


  • Report on CO2, CO, SO2, etc.
  • Report on $/SQFT, kBtu/SQFT, $/Widget, $/Student, etc.


Easy Export of Reports to HTML, GIF & JPG (and even PDF)


  • Post your reports to the web
  • If you own Acrobat, you can create PDF books of Reports


Metrix 4 Utility Accounting System Requirements

Metrix 4 will run on most Windows operating systems, without a great need for system resources. Here is a list of specific computer system hardware and software requirements for Metrix 4:

  • Windows 2000 and Above
  • Excel 2003 and Above
  • 333mhz Processor Speed
  • 512MB System RAM

That’s it.
Metrix 4 will run on a slower computer with less RAM, but the performance will be decreased.