Lesson 6: Entering Savings Projections into Your Metrix Project
Before making changes to a facility to reduce utility costs, some analysis needs to be performed to calculate the savings that can be achieved. For example, before replacing a lighting system with more efficient fixtures, calculate the expected savings to see if the replacement is cost-effective. It is possible to enter these expected savings in Metrix, and compare them to the actual savings to see if your target has been reached. Creating Measures, as shown in Figure 2.26 does this. Measures are monthly adjustments to the Baseline scenario, which create the Target scenario. In this sample Project, HVAC measures have been implemented which should reduce both natural gas and electric usage. Separate measures are created for both the natural gas and electric meters.
Figure 2.26: Creating The Target Scenario with Measures
1. Add a Measure Item to the Primary Gas Meter. Right-click on the Primary Gas Meter Item and select New Measure.
2. Click on this new Measure Item to display its Measure Setup data form.
3. As the Name, enter HVAC & Boilers, and as the Description, enter HVAC Controls & Boiler Upgrade.
4. Use the Specification Options field to determine how the performance measure will be entered into your project. Select Directly Enter Factor History of Periodic Changes in Utility Usage.
5. For the Effective Dates, make 9/1/1994 the Start date, and 12/31/2004 the End date, as we are tracking savings for 10 years.
6. Now, click the Measure History Tab to display the Measure (or Factor) History form.
7. From the Time Periods list, select Monthly to reset all factor history rows to their default values.
8. The first column (OnPk Therm + %) contains monthly percentage offsets for on peak quantity (therms). For example, if –5% was entered for September, the therm usage in the September Baseline scenario would be reduced by 5% to get the Target scenario usage. The second column (OnPk+Q) contains absolute monthly offsets for the usage. For example, if -1,500 were entered for September, the September Baseline scenario would be reduced by 1,500 therms to get the Target scenario usage. For this sample, you will use the percentage offsets only, so leave 0 as the value in all the fields in the OnPk+Q Therms column. Enter the following monthly factors in the OnPk + % column:
MonthOnPk + %MonthOnPk + %
Sep | -5% | Mar | -15% |
Oct | -10% | Apr | -10% |
Nov | -10% | May | -10% |
Dec | -20% | Jun | 0% |
Jan | -20% | Jul | 0% |
Feb | -20% | Aug | 0% |
As can be seen, this measure has the greatest impact in winter months, and no impact in summer months.
9. Set the Replicate Rows Field in the bottom left corner to 12 Rows as shown in Figure 2.27, to insure that these values are consistently replicated on a yearly basis for the duration of the measure. Click OK to close the Factor History Subform.
Figure 2.27: Replicate Rows Setting
10. Likewise, to add a second Measure Item which affects electric usage, right-click the Primary Electric Meter, and select New and Measure.
11. As the Name, enter HVAC & Chillers. As the Description, enter HVAC Controls & Chiller Upgrade
12. For the Effective Dates, make sure 9/1/1994 is the Start date, and 12/31/2004 is the End date, as we are tracking savings for 10 years, as in the previous example.
13. Once again, use the same Specification Options field to determine how the performance measure is to be entered into your project. Select Directly Enter Factor History of Periodic Changes in Utility Usage.
14. Click Measure History to display the Measure History form. From the Time Periods list, select Monthly to reset all factor history rows to their default values. This time, the different factors for consumption (kWh) and demand (kW) will be entered. As with the gas measure, leave 0 entered in the offset columns (OnPk+Q and OnPk+D) and enter the following monthly factors in the OnPk + % and OnPkD + % columns:
MonthOnPk + %OnPkD + %MonthOnPk + %OnPkD + %
Sep | -20% | -25% | Mar | -15% | 0% |
Oct | -15% | -15% | Apr | -20% | -20% |
Nov | -10% | 0% | May | -20% | -20% |
Dec | -10% | 0% | Jun | -20% | -20% |
Jan | -10% | 0% | Jul | -25% | -30% |
Feb | -10% | 0% | Aug | -25% | -30% |
15. Set the Replicate Rows Field in the bottom left corner to 12 Rows to insure that these values are consistently replicated on a yearly basis for the duration of the measure.