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Metrix » Bill Register |
Q: Why do I need "0.0" placeholders for missing bills?
A: This goes back to how the baseline is calculated. The regression equation (displayed at the bottom of the tuning tab in blue) has a # of days multiplier. Metrix uses the number of days between bill dates. So, imagine there was a typo in the year of the last bill; instead of 2008 it was 2009. The baseline value for that last month would have a 365-day multiplier, rather than something closer to 30 days.
You can easily avoid this error by running quality control. Bills with abnormal durration will show up as warnings.
A: This goes back to how the baseline is calculated. The regression equation (displayed at the bottom of the tuning tab in blue) has a # of days multiplier. Metrix uses the number of days between bill dates. So, imagine there was a typo in the year of the last bill; instead of 2008 it was 2009. The baseline value for that last month would have a 365-day multiplier, rather than something closer to 30 days.
You can easily avoid this error by running quality control. Bills with abnormal durration will show up as warnings.
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