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MarketManager » Loads and Sizing

QuestionDate Answered
What does the in2/ft2 value in the building construction forms have to do with infiltration CFM?2003-11-26
Why are my infiltration loads zero?2003-11-26
When I reduce lighting loads, the cooling system ventilation load increases, and the total cooling loads remain unchanged. Why?2003-11-26
Are zone coils sized according to coincident building peak load or according to individual zone peak loads?2003-11-26
Why does the total load shown in the plant loads summary report (lds_plnt.rpt) not equal the sum of the other columns?2003-11-26
When I auto-size the Fans and Zone Air in the Plant data form, what formulas are used to adjust both the supply and return fan cfms?2003-11-26
How do you remove fan heat from loads? Can you just change the supply fan\'s location to exhaust?2003-11-26
Is reheat load included in total heating load when sizing boilers?2004-01-24
I am modeling a dual duct system. The equation for cooling design loads presented in \'help\' uses the entire fan air volume in calculating cooling coil load, whereas only a portion of the fan air volume passes over the cooling coil in a dual duct system. Why does the program over-estimate the coil size?2003-11-26
How to show zone by zone cooling load?2004-01-24
I cannot verify the Cooling Intensity with hand calculations. Why?2003-11-26

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