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MarketManager » Heating and Cooling Equipment
Q: How does MarketManager calculates part load efficiency and where do the default PLFs come from?


You probably noticed that there are 4 terms, A, B, C, and D. The coefficients associated with these terms are used in the following equation:

Input Capacity % = A + Bx + Cx^2 + Dx^3

where x = Part Load Ratio, or the load on the equipment expressed as a fraction of maximum.

So that means at 100% load, the

Power Consumption = (A + B + C + D ) * Input Capacity

or (because A + B + C + D = 1)

Power Consumption = Input Capacity

at 100% load.

For specific chillers and boilers found in the library (with a brand name and model number), the part load curve (PLC) comes from manufacturer's data. If the part load curve was not available from the manufacturer, then we used the default. You can always tell if the curve for a given chiller is a default if the PLC is the same as the default for that type chiller.

The default PLC coefficients come from the DOE2 Reference Manual, Version 2.1A, Page V.43 for chillers, V.44 for heating equipment. The Fan PLFs come from DOE2 Engineers Manual Version 2.1A, Page IV.209.

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