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ReportMaker » Error Messages
Q: \"there was an error loading data\". How can I fix this?

A:  Usually when this happens it is because some regional settings stop the excel macros from functioning correctly. To check/fix this, open the Control Panel, and then click "Regional and Language Options" (if you see "switch to classic view" in the left pane of the control panel window, click on that first). Select English (United States) from the dropdown menu and hit ok. Try opening the data once more.

If your regional settings were already set to Engish or you changed regional settings and you still can't load the data, check to see if you can load gulfmed.pjy which is usually in C:\Program Files\Metrix4\Data\. If it does load, there might be a problem with your specific project file. If this is the case please email helpdesk@abraxasenergy.com with your project file attached so that we can try to solve the problem.

If the Gulfmed project fails to load there may be a problem with the version of report maker. If this is the case email helpdesk@abraxasenergy.com with a description of the problem, and we will try to assist you.

I can’t find the answer to your question ? Try checking our User Forums.

Otherwise feel free to contact our Tech Support staff at (805) 329-6565, or via email at helpdesk@abraxasenergy.com.

MetrixMarketManagerReportMakerOption C