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ReportMaker » Error Messages |
Q: \"Automation Error. Unspecified Error.\" Occurs when opening Report Maker.
A: There are numerous possible causes for the issue, and varying solutions depending on the version of office.
Office 2007
1) A simple reinstall will likely clear up the issue. Click this link to download Metrix
2)This link downloads a fix for a security patch in Office 2007 w SP2 or SP3
Office 2010 or later
1) A simple reinstall will likely clear up the issue. Click this link to download Metrix
2) Check your version of Office. Note that if you have 64-bit Excel 2010 or 2013, you will need to uninstall Office and install 32-bit version.
3) This link downloads a microsoft security patch for Office 2010 w SP1
A: There are numerous possible causes for the issue, and varying solutions depending on the version of office.
Office 2007
1) A simple reinstall will likely clear up the issue. Click this link to download Metrix
2)This link downloads a fix for a security patch in Office 2007 w SP2 or SP3
Office 2010 or later
1) A simple reinstall will likely clear up the issue. Click this link to download Metrix
2) Check your version of Office. Note that if you have 64-bit Excel 2010 or 2013, you will need to uninstall Office and install 32-bit version.
3) This link downloads a microsoft security patch for Office 2010 w SP1
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