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Option C » Licensing
Q: How does licensing work?

A:  Option C will install with a 30-day trial license. After this, it will be necessary to import or purchase a permanent license. If you have a license, you may follow the steps below:

1) After installing Option C, email helpdesk@abraxasenergy.com to request your license. Include your \"computer GUID\" in your email. You\'ll find this under Start > Option C > Option C Licensing.
2) After receiving your request, we\'ll send your license file as an email attachment. Once you have received this email, download the license file. It will be saved as a .txt file.
3) Open the downloaded license file. Copy all the text of the code. (You may use Ctrl+A, and Ctrl+C to select all text, and copy, respectively.)
4) Go to Start > Option C > Option C Licensing.
5)Paste the copied license text into the \"Imported License Details\" field, and click \'Import\'. (You may use Ctrl+V to paste.)
6) You will receive a message that license import was successful. If you receive an error, contact Helpdesk for support.

I can’t find the answer to your question ? Try checking our User Forums.

Otherwise feel free to contact our Tech Support staff at (805) 329-6565, or via email at helpdesk@abraxasenergy.com.

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