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MarketManager » Envelope
Q: How do I model a door that is open 24 hrs per day?


You will want to make sure that you account for loads due to transmission through the air, solar transmission, and infiltration.

If you have a single zone project, then follow steps 1 - 5. If you have a multizone project, then you should replace the Small School Template’s zone with your affected ZONE, and then follow steps 1 - 5. Then after finishing those steps, drag the ZONE back into your project, replacing its previous incarnation.

  1. Model the door as a WINDOW (to get the solar transmission).

  2. In the WINDOW | Detail Data Form, enter 144 in2/ft2 for specific leakage area.

  3. In the WINDOW Data Form, enter an R value of 0.1. This accounts for transmission.

  4. In the BUILDING | Air Infil Data Form, check "No" for "Use Design AI for Monthly AI?". This tells MarketManager to use the LBNL Infiltration Model to calculate the hourly infiltration, rather than using your estimates at the bottom of the ZONE Data Form.

  5. Note the monthly ACH values in the BUILDING | Air Infil Data Form, and enter in higher values for Design ACH in the ZONE Data Form. This takes care of the Design Infiltration.

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